måndag 3 september 2012

I always knew that someday I'd have to leave

So I won't be here anymore, maybe just from time to time, but life has lead me somewhere else (even though this is not as serious as it sounds).
If you wish to search for me, look at featherstones.blogg.se that is where you'll find me. 

tisdag 28 augusti 2012

Jag stannar här tills jag ser dig framför mig

söndag 26 augusti 2012

You are the purpose, the reason I breathe

torsdag 23 augusti 2012

Den där känslan när du hittar något som ligger på helt fel plats
När du liksom slås ur balans
Du stannar upp och börjar tänka

Jag tror jag ska börja lägga saker där de inte förväntas hittas
Jag är tillbaka. Starkare och bättre än någonsin.
Nu börjar det på riktigt. Nu förändras allt. Hello life, I'm back on track.


I can't even describe the happiness and relief that I feel now that I've realized that one of my favourite books ever was just the first book in a trilogy. This explains the horrible, confusing and abrupt ending in the first book which made me so... I don't know, angry I think, and upset. It all makes sense now. There weren't any pages missing, and the author didn't die before he got to finish the book.
Happiness is such a simple thing.

onsdag 22 augusti 2012

It is the second you realize that you're never alone. That the feelings that you feel are shared with someone else, and if they were not they would not exist.
Sometimes we only exist in the eyes of the observer. It is through their eyes we judge ourselves. But it's only when we see ourselves with our own eyes, untouched and uncontrolled by the rest of the world, only then can we see who we really are. And only then can we be all that we are.
For we are not what you think. And we are not what we seem. We are the words that are never spoken, but flows through our inner. We are the mystery of the world.

tisdag 21 augusti 2012

Det här är bara ännu en verklighetsflykt