fredag 30 september 2011

Amazing Things.

We are colors,
we are pictures,
we are a masterpiece.
We´re all hunters
we are hunting
for something
for release,
cause we´re all meant to achieve
Amazing things!

söndag 25 september 2011

Just Call Me, And I'll Be There

"I have learned now that while those who speak about one's miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more."

“The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion… that is a friend who cares.”

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Whoever invented the mirror is on my list of the people I hate.

lördag 24 september 2011

Conversation, 1

And I asked him: "Do you believe we master our own lives?"

he: "well there isn't the whole world for nothing, and my eyes were created to see it all, or as much of it as I can.. If i want to learn about the people that surround me and share this tiny rock in this gigantic universe, the best way to do that is experience these people first hand.....but also in my inner beliefs which come from the religious part i believe that there are things that are destined to happen to us ..."

me: "i think that the start and end of our lives might be destined but the way we get there and the people and experiences we encounter we get to choose on our own"

fredag 23 september 2011

Cat and Mouse

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.

Everything is crashing,
crashing down, tearing up the ground.
Everything's still burning,
and this fire will never die.
It will always burn me,
it will always hurt me,
it will always leave marks.
Everything is crashing down,
and I stand, stuck in the middle of this chaos.

onsdag 21 september 2011


How could this happen,
how could it come to this.
All i ever thought,
all I ever hoped for or maybe feared,
has come to haunt you.
How come my problems were sent to you?
How come you have to bear the burden?
How could my thoughts turn into knives,
the knives that chase you,
that stabs you in the back.
I'm so deeply sorry, it hurts my heart,
but I don't know how to make it stop.
If I could I would take the hit for you,
I would catch your bullet.
If I only could.

Just know that I love you.

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh, lets go back to the start

Running in circles
Coming up tails
Heads on a science apart.

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh, take me back to the start.

söndag 18 september 2011

Lagom är ett ord som bara existerar i Sverige,
Screw You, Lagom!

Thistle & Weeds

The sky above us shoots to kill,
Rain down, rain down on me.

lördag 17 september 2011

Wolf Pack

Run with the wolves
Calling all the wolf pack

The Vaccines

Keep No Score

God, let her listen
With ears to the ground.
Let voiceless approval
Turn into sound.

In death there are hidden
Invisible keys
That only when swallowed
Reveal where they lead.

Rather me than him
Rather me than him
Rather me than anybody else
Rather me than him
Please, don't hurt him.

"Just put the world upon my shoulders
I can carry it all,
I may slip and slide and stumble
but you'll never watch me fall."

onsdag 14 september 2011

Right now I love my life so much I would like to die to see what I would miss the most...

söndag 11 september 2011

"I guess I'm bad at feeling fine."

torsdag 8 september 2011

Thanks For Nothing!

And how does it feel to be the name that’s on the page
to know that you joined the ranks, of all the people I hate.

måndag 5 september 2011


This day will be something to remember. But not in a good way. Atleast not most of it. But thank God for John O'Callaghan and The Maine. You really know how to turn the world upside down and form a smile! So thanks.

lördag 3 september 2011

Running Back

It's gonna kill me the rest of my life
Let me apologize while I'm still alive
I know it's time to face
All of my past mistakes
I've got to live with them the rest of my life
And it's gonna kill me the rest of my life

Rust In The Morning Dew

"Now the land that I knew is a dream
And the line on the distance grows faint
So wide is my river
The horizon a sliver
The artist has run out of paint"

The Water

Be My Guest!!!!

Hur kunde du? Hur fan kunde du tro att allt skulle bli bättre? Hur kunde du tro att allt hade blivit bättre? Du är så fruktansvärt korkad. Idiot! Din naiva jävel. Du förtjänar inte att få det bättre! Du förtjänar ingentig. Hur kunde du tro att det hade blivit bättre? Hur kunde du tro att det hade blivit bättre? Hur kunde du tro att det hade blivit bättre? Du tänker ju inte ditt flarn. Din efterblivna idiot. Du kommer stupa. Du trodde att det hade blivit bättre så du var så blåögd att du inte såg när de grävde ännu ett hål mitt framför dina fötter! Du förtjänar att ramla ner! Du förtjänar att ligga där och ruttna. Helt ensam. Du förtjänar att begravas levande. Du förtjänar att hamna i helvetet. Nej, förresten, helvetet är för fint för dig. Du förtjänar något mycket värre. Hur kunde du tro att allt skulle bli bra, om du bara låtsades att det var så!

fredag 2 september 2011

När jag träffar er så hugger det i hjärtat. Förlåt.


" Men döden var ett faktum, ett deprimerande faktum, hur man än såg på saken. Instängd i denna kvävande motsägelse, sprang jag runt i cirklar. Nu, när jag ser tillbaka, var det en underlig tid. Mitt i livet kretsade allt kring döden. "

ur Norwegian Wood av Haruki Murakami

torsdag 1 september 2011

Give me your hand, it’s time. It’s time to show new eyes their home.When fences divide our land,I would catch bullets with my bare hands.

"We'll say the one thing everyone should hear. You were meant for amazing things!"

"Umbrellas" - Sleeping at Last